Dinner + Braai

Do you know what braai means?

Well, you could easily translate it to "barbecue" or "grilling". But Braai is more than that. For the South African in general and the Namibian in particular, Braai is something of an attitude to life. You set up an evening for a braai, i.e. you get together in some place in nature, everyone brings something, meat, beer, sandwiches, but above all a good mood and a big heart. Then a small fire is lit, and not only the finely seasoned game meat but also all the hardships of everyday life are sizzling in it. When the meat is cooked, everyday life has turned into smoke and the beer does the rest ...

We don't brew every night, but if - then - sorry - it might be a limit less that night!

The other evenings, however, we prepare you for a beautiful night of observation with no less delicious Bavarian-Italian-Namibian cuisine. On our menu are mainly products from our own production or from our neighboring farms. These include primarily game, lamb and beef, as well as milk, eggs and vegetables from the farm's own garden. Since we are a small family business, we can unfortunately only respond to vegetarian or vegan requests to a very limited extent.


Die Kalahari Trüffel
  • Nach sehr guten Regenjahren verwöhnen wir unsere Gäste mit einer namibischen Spezialität, den Kalahari Trüffeln. Diese werden zwar nicht von Trüffelschweinen gefunden aber wachsen wie ihre europ. Verwandten im Boden. Nur ein geschultes Auge kann sie entdecken und ernten.