Climate and weather

Climate and weather

What is the best time to visit Tivoli for astronomy?
Namibia enjoys a generally dry climate with a high percentage of sunny days and clear nights. The winter months of May to September offer the most ideal atmospheric conditions for astronomy. Durinf this season temperatures can fall from 15 to 20 degrees centigrade by day to below freezing at night.

What are my chances of cloudless nights at Tivoli?
The average probability of a cloudless night during the May - September season stands at 85%. During a 14-day stay around New Moon you can expect the vast majority of your observing nights to be absolutely cloudless.

What is the weather like at Tivoli around Christmas time?
This is Namibian summer of course. High pressure over the Atlantic is responsible for inland temperatures in excess of 40 degree centigrade. The remorseless sun burns in a bright blue sky and plants, animals and humans suffer together in the heat. Namibians who have a choice may seek respite at the coast. It is not the recommended time for European visitors unaccustomed to such fierce heat.